Tag Archive | Spirituality

When People Are Consistent

MY MORNING MEDITATION May 22, 2016: “At midnight, I begin to LET my faith minister to me as I thoughtfully revisited my activities over the last 7 days and 7 hours. My goal was to make sure that I had not neglected to commune with The Comforter as I desired. So, I begin to give thanks and invoke a benediction up on myself.

Moments BEfore this, while I was closing out business matters, personal matters, family matters, and shutting down from movie time, snack time, and bath time, the subtle presence of uncertainty started knocking on the door of my heart. Immediately, I recognized its thump and decided that since I know how uncertain uncertainty is there really isn’t a just cause for me to LET it LIVE tonight.

Resting in my declaration that I have no thing to worry about and don’t need to create something to worry about, I laid me down to sleep. For the LORD IS my Shepherd, I shall not want. At the very moment that I was slipping into sleep, these words startled me,

“When people are consistent!”

Without thought or hesitation, I got right up and said, “Yes LORD!” I knew that this was the balance to my fellowship with the LORD. I had said my piece, and He now says His peace,

“When people are consistent!”

Consistent is equivalent to stedfast, which means to BE sure, unwavering, settled, strong and firm; BE faithful and certain. The scriptures instruct us to BE ye consistent…forasmuch as you know that your labour is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).

I urge us all to BE consistent. Make a decree over every dominion of your life that all of you will to BE sure, unwavering, settled and certain BEfore YAH our Creator. When you are consistent in giving, your receiving will BE of the same measure. And when you are consistent in your faith, favour IN your life will BE your benediction” (Smith, Angela M. 2016).

Sleep Time, Dream Time, Rest Time!

Last week Friday, April 1st, I tried an experiment on myself and took notice that for every 3 minutes of sleep time, I actually dreamed for 1 minute.  Every time I opened my eye,s I documented the time.  Three times in a row, I dozed off to sleep and woke up exactly 3 minutes later.  During each of those 3 minutes of sleep time, I watched a 1 minute video in my dream and would wake up.

INCREDIBLE!  I am FASCINATED by time and numbers!  

Sleep Time (min.) Dream Time (min.)
3 1
30 10
45 15
60 20
180 60

Based upon that experiment, I got to pondering:  if we are actually “resting” during dream time, 3 hours of sleep time (180 minutes) would BE equal to 1 hour of rest time (60 minutes).  This would mean in order for us to achieve 8 hours of rest in a full day, we’d need 24 hours of sleep time.  Hmmm!

THINKING OUT LOUD:  And who is literally going to sleep for 24 hours?

Sleep Time (hours) Rest Time (hours)
3 1
6 2
12 4
18 6
24 8

However, it’s been noted via sleep studies and other testings that REM sleep makes up 25% of our sleep cycle.  In this cycle, our brain and bodies are rejuvenated and dreaming occurs.  So then, I got to pondering:  if we are sleeping for 3 hours, we’ve actually experienced 45 minutes of rest time, rejuvenation, dream time.    

Sleep Time (hours) Rest Time – Dream Time (hours)
3 :45
6 1.5
12 3
18 4.5
24 6

Based on this supposition, many of us (including myself) are not honoring our brain and bodies.  We are abusing ourselves by not giving to ourselves an acceptable allocation of honorable rest (not sleep) time.  Studies indicate that based on the age group of my household, we need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per day cycle.  This means that our brains and bodies will receive 2 to 2 hrs. and 30 minutes of rest per day.  

If in fact there are 24-hours in a day cycle, a tithe of a day would BE 2.4 hours, also noted as 144 minutes, also noted as  2 hrs. and 24 minutes.  Can we devote a tenth of our time, 2 hrs. and 24 minutes, to rest by getting adequate sleep?  

I’m certainly going to start this manner of devotion and for this reason:  I need to honor my temple, not just my body as in flesh and bones.  But, my body as in my brain, my neurological system, my heart, my lungs, etc.  Doing this is critical and will make me equally emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy.  

Sleep Time!  Dream Time!  Rest Time! 

©2016 Angela M. Smith    

Increase My Capacity!

Increase my capacity!  Increase my capacity to receive!

In several moments of my life, and I’ve probably said it once or twice, I’ve heard that you have to ‘get’ rid of this (whatever this is) in order to receive.  Once more this morning, the Holy Spirit refreshed me again in that receiving is not gotten by ‘getting’ or “getting rid of.”  Rather, it is gotten by giving.  SELAH!  As this chant (Increase my capacity!  Increase my capacity to receive!) lived in my soul at daylight, I heard my spirit self, my true self, searching for ways to give so that my capacity to receive is increased.

These thoughts elicited an exaltation of thankfulness.  A gratefulness that I couldn’t utter with words.  Keenly, I heard the voice of the LORD riding and abiding (walking in the garden).  A humble praise welled up in me and erupted.  I!  I worship (respect and love) Elohim.  Him, Whom I BElieve in.  The sheer thought of “giving” resulted in a freedom in my soul, sown in tears of humility.

Many names scrolled across my face as I declared into the air, concerning them: “INCREASE THEIR CAPACITY TO RECEIVE!”

In essence, this means that they must give.  If we stop giving, we compress our capacity to receive.  Receiving and giving are flowing through the same veins.  If our blood stops flowing, it will begin to clot.  What was liquidly flowing, smooth and fluent, is now lumpy.  Something within has stopped giving, stopped circulating in our life, resulting in something within not receiving.

Don’t clot your capacity to receive!  SELAH!

You may ask, “Give what?”  And I say to you, give thanks, give a hug, give someone a meal, give them a job, give someone your undivided attention; give a compliment, give honor and respect, give compassion, give mercy and kindness, give cheerfully, give Pure Divine Love.  Give yourself!

It’s been said that a man (meaning a human) can’t make you happy.  That is an absolute untruth.  If that were true, a man can’t, on the same scope, make you sad or angry or mad.  The truth is, and I can guarantee you, that the moment a man “gives” cheerfully to you something you’ve desired, gives you a surprise, or gives you a gift that you didn’t expect you are happy!  We should always give what will bring happiness.

As I fortify myself to remain a giver, I encourage you:  LET us make daily decisions to give to everyone that we come in contact with.  This manner of giving increases our capacity to receive everything that we ask for.

© 2016 Angela M. Smith


BetterWhile preparing for the days’ journey, i.e. picking my hair, praying for my family, my sons and daughters, my grandchildren, our gifts and talents, ideas and inspirations, visions and motivations, I asked my son what was the temperature and he said 26o.  Then I asked, “What is the “real feel?”  He told me that the winds were at 9 miles per hour.

With that information, I knew the “real feel” was approximately 15o.  BEcause I have an obsession with being as precise as possible, I checked my weather app to see if it would display the information and it stated that it was indeed 26o (sum of 8) and “real feel” 16o (sum of 7).  Straightaway when I saw that, I heard, like a fountain of water springing up,

“Your situation is 10 degrees better than what you feel that it is.  Don’t BE moved by what you feel; BE moved by what you know.  And know this, your situation IS BETTER!”  

How?  Just how do I know this IS the truth?  Because the Spirit of Truth, WHO dwelleth with me and BE in me, guides me IN to all truth.  Thus, my knowing.

Previously, I had written in my journal about the power of the number 10 (law and testimony).  From a biblical reference, Genesis 1 is the first occurrence of a testimony.  Ten times, this chapter testifies of YAH’s creative power by the expression “God said.”  Each time those 2 words (union) were released into the atmosphere (into the darkness, the firmament, the waters, the earth, etc.), the atmosphere yielded itself to the power of what was said.  What was spoken BEcame, and what BEcame still IS.  It still exists.

Being swift to hear (both sensitive and acute), I understood that the testimony this morning wasn’t that my (your) situation is GOING TO GET or is IN THE PROCESS OF BEcoming better.  Better already exists!  The testimony is that my (your) situation IS (now, right now, here and now, without delay, this very moment, this present time, this day and age) BETTER!  And it is that, by 10o.

There is no preparation for IS to BE.  However, we have to prepare ourselves to BE what IS.  SELAH! 

As for me and my household, we are rising up to what IS by BEing a doer of the word according to James 1 (KJV), and as expounded in my weblog “Doer of the Declaration.” 

I ask of you my dear friends, “What it is?”  It IS BETTER!

© 2016 Angela M. Smith

It is the 40th Day

For a few days now, I’ve been attempting to choose a song to minister at a service and no thing was coming to mind for the cause.  When I was asked about what I would be rendering, I had no other answer than, “I don’t know.”

On this morning’s drive, I succinctly heard the phrase, “SAY YES TO ME.”  Instantly, the lyrics to one of my favorites rose to awareness:  “God wants a YES!  YES to His will!  YES to His way!”  Soon thereafter, a medley of “YES” songs began to flow as I made my declaration of  YES to the voice of the LORD my YAH!  YES to do right in His sight!  YES to give ear to His commandments and keep ALL His statues!

Sitting at my desk, with the intent to meditate and soak in the scriptures, that I BElieve in, Exodus 15:25-27 was the very first scripture that enlightened me:

“And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there He made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there He proved them, and said, IF thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God,and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statues, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.  And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water, and threescore and ten palm trees: and they encamped there by the waters.”

While meditating, at 9:52 a.m. (16, means love) the enemy started to pressure me with false advertisements (deceptions) of love.  Just 10 days ago, September 7, 2015, I wrote about how my oil level is at 100%, and I will LET no man deceive me.  Today, there was evidence that my oil level is maintained.  At 10:24 a.m. (7, means perfection or completeness) the Holy Spirit, in a few perfect words, whispered to my soul, “It is the 40th day!”

I quickly jumped up and BEgin to worship the LORD with my voice.  I looked at the date and did the calculation, not because I wasn’t sure, but because I was sure that I had heard accurately.  Sure enough, today is the 40th day (I had started a journey of potentials on August 8, 2015), and my conscious self came alive to what was opened up in my spirit.

The Spirit of the Truth has been speaking to me with numbers for a long time now.  So, I started studying the number 40.  Forty, from a biblical perspective, means a period of testing, trials, or probation.  During my 40-day encounters, I didn’t even realize that I was being tested.  Nonetheless, at the moment of revealed knowledge I couldn’t resist the lifting of my hands, the walking and rejoicing, and the tears of thanksgiving BEcause I had passed this period of persuasion.

The enemy said,

“I will pursue her; I will overtake her; and my lust shall BE satisfied upon her.”

Even so, there was yet a predetermined plan for this will.  The enemy and my days of old behavioral configuration (giving in to enticements) were defeated BEcause I recognized the wile spirit and rebuked it.  Through it all, Marah (meaning a drop of bitterness or heaviness) could have been my disposition.  I could have chosen to pitch a fit.  However, I choose to pitch a tent and LET peace and gladness abide.  SELAH!

There is this one thing I’ve desired for my household, and twice in the last 40-days the prospect of having my desire was at my pleasure.  Yet and still, the Spirit alive was guiding me in that the presence that I’ve heard for 40-days was not the suitable presence for us.  Thus, the invariable nature of my position, as an unmarried mother, is this:  it is not due diligence for me to (and I cannot) make swift decisions concerning my hope.  I must continue to rely on, and put my trust in, YAH as I work my faith.

I’m unequivocally certain that there will BE many more 40-days.  As for this one though, I acclaim, “My YES is to the righteousness of YAH and the guidance of His Spirit!”  In such, there is no failure.

© 2015 Angela M. Smith

The Preferred

While rejuvenating my limbs and refreshing my skin, I begin to think about how people are often chosen first, chosen over someone else, to do a particular thing.  If the first choice doesn’t measure up (they don’t do expectedly well) then someone else, who was also experienced to BE chosen first, will BE called upon to do that same particular thing.  That someone else is often a last resort to ultimately get the job done.  You know, to make that particular thing a success.

I realized that way too frequently, the first is chosen BEcause they are preferred.  Perhaps they were the early birds, or they are preferred BEcause of who their parents are, or BEcause they donate generously, or BEcause someone told another to choose them over everyone else, or BEcause they were a great orator, or even BEcause they had great material gain.  However, being the preferred choice doesn’t unequivocally mean that you are the preferred – the most valuable, qualified, skilled, astute, etc.  SELAH!

There are many waiting to accomplish a particular thing, but you will not attain them.  They wait all the day long as a day turns into weeks, and weeks into months.  After months of seeing that your preference is not promising, you decide to take a second look at those quarts and zircons, topaz and garnets, and beryls that are sitting on the sidelines of your table.  These were overlooked BEcause you preferred the emeralds and rubies, sapphires and diamonds, and natural pearls, thinking they would serve sufficiently unto your success.  SELAH!

When considering people and your relationships with them, I encourage you to choose sagaciously.  As it is true, your preference, by whatever measure it is you have preferred, very well may not BE the most suitable for your soul and spirit, your business, your career, your education, your financial wealth, or your mind.

© 2015 Angela M. Smith