Archive | August 2020

Soul Healing

Soul Healing IS NOT a one-time event.  The soul is continuously evolving, which means healing is urgent for every measure of growth.  It is similar to bathing or cleaning your toilet or washing clothes.  You do these hygienic acts daily, every other day, three times a week, etc.  Likewise, your soul needs hygienic attention.  The soul will not survive and thrive from one-time healing; healing of varied matters if not the same situation, again. Selah.

My Soul Healing is beautiful. 

Although I do not enjoy the feeling of nervousness, I do acknowledge that it is present. For a very long time, at least the past 30 years, I have been the strong one in my weakness, and it is utterly refreshing to be the weaker vessel.  What I mean by the use of this term is that at another healing juncture in life, I am dwelling in the presence of understanding, kindness, wisdom, and patience.  With all the gifts and talents that God has freely given to me, I have, at will and request, oozed out wisdom and knowledge, and prayers, and a listening ear, etc.  Neglecting my soul care for an extended length of time has warranted the need to receive those same gifts and talents at will and request.  It is essential; so, I embrace them without hesitation.

Some time ago, I wrote a blog titled Forbidden Tears Flowing Again.  Well, those tears were flowing again last night.  I am light(er).

As a dreamer, I count them all significant and relevant.  Last night, I dreamt that a woman at my place of employment did not follow the protocol to receive a check for an educational expense.  This woman did everything she could to make it appear that I was the culprit for her mistake.  She was attempting to browbeat me with scores of scenarios that would make her not guilty.  Readily, I have not discerned what this means, but I will wait and listen – to hear what the Spirit of the LORD shall reveal.

Nonetheless, when I opened the envelope, the check was for $23,500.00 made payable to someone other than the woman.  Two (2), three (3), and five (5); ten (10); two-hundred (200) and thirty-five (35). Those numbers are noteworthy.

As I gasped to catch my breath, I awakened to discover that I was feeling nervous – again! I was lying on my left side, and as I opened my eyes, I simultaneously heard an even-toned still small voice in my left ear. It was distinct, crystal clear, no anger, no distortions. He, the man speaking in my ear, softly called my name. I am awake; my eyes are open, and I am staring at the air. Selah. The ringing in my ears intensifies as he and a woman started to mumble and laugh about my healing. As he inched in toward my head, he said, “I know you hear me!” Then, I saw him turn his face to the woman, whom I could not see, and they laughed even more. While they laughed, I begin to pray out loud until the taunting vanished from my presence.

Every still small voice is not the voice of God!

The first time that I can recall hearing the Holy Spirit speak was in/around 1991/1992, urging me to tithe. The very next day, my boyfriend/manfriend totaled my brand new car AFTER he took me to work. Another time was in 2008/2009 when I sent my sons home to Florida for the summer.  My sister whispered to my spirit and told me not to worry. When my soul was relaxed, she called me and said… wait for it… do not worry.  On another occasion, in 2008, the Holy Spirit informed me that a specific group of the church [people] was talking about me.  Moments later, a man of the cloth who was in that group setting told me that I was the conversation piece over their dinner.  All of that to say, hearing is not strange for me. But, the SOUND of this man and woman gripped my soul.

Now, about those numbers: perfectly persuaded that my union (2) with the Holy Spirit is divine and undivided (3), my soul healing will live unbroken. His [the power of Christ my Savior] grace (5) is breathing on me; it is present and plentiful, and it is substantially sufficient for me. I shall remain hygienic – the onus for complete order and lawful control (10) of my soul is on my shoulder.  Alone, I am insufficient (200), but in the presence of a wise and godly counselor (many counselors, if you choose), I will not fall, I am safe; my hope (35) is beaming, and my victory is immutable.

Yeah, I feel alright about my Soul Healing.

© 2020 Angela M. Smith