
Equal to drops like rainwater sitting on a frond, the word bandwagon sat upon my heart. I’d not heard this word in a very long time and immediately knew it was alive with purpose.

The term is richly associated with conformity, in which Apostle Paul beseeched us (the believers in Yeshua and Father Elohim Who gave Him to us) to be ye not conformed to – to this world. Yet, many members of many bodies have rebelled against such begging.

I asked my lads, “What do you think of this word?” They sounded off, “It’s about people wanting to ride with you, because of your success, to gain their own, and they don’t even care for you. They are riding off your good name and your knowledge, skills, and abilities to give the appearance that they are (fill in the blank) when they have not become (fill in the blank).

They were not far off in their thinking.

In addition, I explained to them that it’s also about people who are hopping on to a belief, a statement, an opinion, breaking news, or a promotional ad, and the increase of the persuasion (many, many people hopping on in agreement with those things) says, ‘OH, this must BE fully true and authentic!’

The TRUTH is this: a whole lot of these wagons are leading a whole lot of people into the danger zone. These bandwagons (that many have hitched a ride on) are wooing a nation of people. They are wooing them into a secret place: a place that they don’t know they don’t want to be. And, it’s not the wise sinner man thumbing for a ride. It’s the foolish saved man, who has forsaken knowledge, whose ego is on 1,000; who’s snobbish, selfish, and puffed up, and who has ceased to seek the Kingdom of YAH. SELAH.

As I have nurtured my family, I minister to you – don’t jump on every bandwagon. Choose them wisely.
© 2016 Angela M. Smith (Nataph)

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